Cornerstone Bible Church
We're a non-denominational church that embraces and champions the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We're located in the heart of the DFW Metroplex, at 2297 Litsey Road, Roanoke TX 76262 • 817-541-7788
What to Expect
Cornerstone Bible Church is totally dedicated to preaching and teaching biblical truth and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. It is our desire that you would not leave this site without knowing that we are concerned about your relationship with God. According to Scripture, we were all born into sin and alienated from God. We've lied, taken His name in vain, committed adultery in our hearts, etc. We deserve to go to a literal place called Hell. “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” (Ephesians 2:4-5) Jesus was put on the cross to take the punishment we deserve upon Himself. He then arose from the dead. He calls all those who do not know Him to turn from their sin and place their trust in Him alone for their eternal destiny. If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, rejoice! On the other hand if you have questions or doubts about the Lord Jesus Christ and your position with Him, please feel free to contact us from this site.
Finding a good church can be a challenge!
With all the various options available, and all the different emphases, finding a church that is committed to biblical principles and methods is not always easy. And yet, there is no decision more important for your spiritual growth and development than making the determination as to where you and your family will worship together. At Cornerstone we are seeking to line up with God’s pattern for His church, and we believe you will find here a loving congregation, committed to God’s Word and striving to live it out in everyday life. We hope you will find this site helpful in understanding a little more about us. Cornerstone exists to Evangelize those who do not know Jesus Christ, Edify those who already do know Jesus Christ, and Exalt God in all that we do. Our ministry is built upon a commitment to the Word of God in all areas of ministry and we believe that our great God is working today through us as we submit to His revelation of Himself through His written Word. We desire to know Christ better daily, love one another, and live for Him daily. We are a Conservative Protestant Evangelical church. Our Sunday morning music is a slight blend of hymns and contemporary songs and dress is come as you are.
Look around. Get to know us a little bit. And if you have any questions, please visit, send us an email, or call us! We would love to serve Christ with you!
Give God Glory
At Cornerstone, we believe that the Bible is the life-transforming Word of God, it shows how we teach.
We all need to grow in our faith and knowledge of the Word, regardless of our position in life. Cornerstone is committed to bringing everyone to maturity in Christ, both young and old.
Doctrinal Statement